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Dr. Hashim Osman Warfa– Researcher and Consultant in Medical/Public Health Issues




  • Masters in Paediatric & Child Healthfrom University of Nairobi

  • Masters in Public Health from Johns Hopkins University in USA

  • Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgeryfrom Moi University in Eldoret Kenya

  • Other:

    • Trainings in Monitoring & Evaluation Course, AMREF International Training Centre, Nairobi, Kenya. 

    • Leadership and Management Training (Leading For Results) February –June 2004, in collaboration with Management Sciences for Health Inc., Boston, MA, USA. 


Work Experience:  


  • Over 10 years’ work experience in Kenya and Somalia. 

  • Director of Public Health and Sanitation in North Eastern Kenya in 2007-2010, where he closely worked with various organizations including UNICEF, UNHCR, UNFPA, WHO, DANIDA, APHIAs, Kenya Red Cross, AMREF, GTZ, International Rescue Committee, MSF-Spain, MSF-Swiss, Save the Children-UK, Islamic Relief-UK, and Handicap International. 

  • Coordinator of Trainings to scale up EMOC (Life Saving Skills), Post Abortion Care (PAC) and Focused Ante natal Care (FANC) for health workers in Nakuru, Rift Valley Province, Kenya (Supported by UNICEF). 

  • Consultancy in Public Health Law Assessment and Assessment of right to health for World Health Organization (WHO) in Somalia in 2013

  • Consultancy for AMREF in Strengthening Health Services for Safe Motherhood and Obstetric Fistula Services in Kenya 2008 – 2011. 

  • Ford Foundation International Fellow and Gold Award Holder (GAH): The Presidents’ Award Scheme, Kenya.

  • Consultant paediatrician and head  department of child health and paediatrics - Garissa county referral hospital.

  • Head: Neonatal, Child & Adolescent health unit/division of family health (Kenya Ministry of Health) 2016 to date.

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